Jan 22, 2009

Parts of digital camera you should know

A partly disassembled Panasonic Lumix digital ...Image via Wikipedia

I assume that you have already a digital camera on your hand or else you already taken some picture by it. But sometime it a little bit confusing learning how the part of the digital camera works and how can use it for your own purpose. That why I try to give you some explain about the digital camera parts, and here they are:

  1. The Lens; A rounded piece of glass or plastic that has function of collecting light and focusing it on the sensor to capture the image.
  2. The CCD or CMOS Sensor; the electronic sensor that has the function to translate the light into a digital signal. This sensor can contain 'dot' images between 1 million or less to 24 million pixels (24 MP) and up, depend on the size of the sensor which is usually from 25 mm2 up to 1977 mm2.
  3. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display); is a small screen on a digital camera for viewing photos as they being taken or playback it after they have being taken. You have to be careful about this camera's part because it fragile, when it's broke you can't view anything and your digital camera is useless.
  4. Mode Button; the mode button is for switching the model of your photo than you want to take and it adjusted the mode setting by itself. It depend on its brand, the button should has an images showed panoramic mode, night mode etc. for example: if you want to shoot a picture at low lighting room you should switch the mode to the night mode (sometime it has crescent image).
  5. Viewfinder; the optical window that the user can sees exactly what the camera lens see or see the picture being taken.
  6. The Flash; (It sound like a super hero huh :P). Built in electronic flash, usually on the top of the camera, that use when taking picture in low light environment. On some digital cameras the flash usually adds on with flash sensor which is can measure the light and help the camera decided when to use the flash.
  7. Memory card slot; a tiny container where the memory card is stored.

I hope you already know the part of your own digital camera, I am sure you are not confused anymore about how your gadget works. Now Just shoot a smile and cheers… Have Fun.

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